Application of AI in Social Media in 2023

Application of AI in Social Media

What kind of role will artificial intelligence play in the social media landscape of the future? Some say that AI is already changing the way we communicate online, and many experts believe that its influence will only keep on going to grow more and more. How will businesses need to adapt in order to stay competitive? What new opportunities will arise for users?

In this article, we’ll explore some of the ways AI is currently shaping social media and discuss what kind of changes we can expect to see in the near future. Stay tuned to read about the application of AI in social media.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

You’ll get ten different replies if you ask ten different experts what artificial intelligence is. However, one definition we prefer comes from Demis Hassabis, the CEO of DeepMind, a Google-acquired AI business. Artificial intelligence, according to Hassabis, is the “science of making machines clever.”

We can basically educate machines to behave like humans. We can empower them to see, hear, speak, move, and write. You use AI on a daily basis, regardless of where you work or what you do. Voice assistants and real-time navigation are just a few of the AI-powered features on your smartphone. Amazon and Netflix, for example, employ artificial intelligence to make product recommendations. Gmail, for example, uses AI to automatically compose parts of emails for you.

Computer learning, a form of AI that enables machine systems to make accurate predictions based on vast volumes of data, is behind many of AI’s most astounding capabilities. Machine learning and deep learning, an advanced sort of machine learning, are then used by the smartest AI technologies to increase the accuracy of their predictions over time.

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This third point distinguishes AI and machine learning from other types of software or technology platforms. Humans code non-AI software, and it then follows the instructions given to it by humans. Humans can only improve these systems by manually improving them. AI tools, on the other hand, can help to improve on their own, based on both their previous performance and fresh data fed into the system, possibly unlocking new levels of intelligence.

What Is Artificial Intelligence for Social Media?

Artificial intelligence in social media has the potential to change the way brands market on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It has the ability to automate a number of time-consuming social media management chores. It can even monitor social media on a large scale.

That could explain why, according to Markets and Markets, the “AI in social media” market is expected to increase from $633 million in 2018 to more than $2.1 billion by 2023. But what is artificial intelligence, exactly? How does artificial intelligence (AI) in social media affect your marketing and analytics? And, maybe most significantly, how do you begin employing artificial intelligence for social media? This essay is intended to assist you.

We’ve spent years at the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute helping marketers understand and implement artificial intelligence so they can boost revenue and cut costs in their businesses. And social media marketing is known as one of the primary areas where artificial intelligence may help marketers improve performance and efficiency by extracting more value and engagement from every online interaction that takes place on social media channels. We’ll debunk artificial intelligence in this piece, then show you how to use it in your social media marketing.

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Application of AI in Social Media

How is AI used in Social Media?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a crucial component of the popular social media platforms you use on a daily basis. Facebook uses advanced machine learning to deliver content, recognize your face in photographs, and target users with advertisements.

Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) employs artificial intelligence to recognize images. LinkedIn uses artificial intelligence to provide job suggestions, suggest people you should connect with, and serve you specific content in your feed. Snapchat uses computer vision, an artificial intelligence (AI) technology, to detect your features and overlay real-time filters that move with your face.

These are just a few instances of how artificial intelligence (AI) is used behind the scenes to power features on the world’s most popular social media platforms. Furthermore, an AI algorithm or machine learning system is regulating how the content you make and the advertising you buy are positioned in front of consumers across all social media platforms and each social media post—often in ways that aren’t totally obvious to marketers.

All of this is to imply that AI is an integral aspect of how today’s social networks work. However, AI is frequently used behind the scenes of prominent platforms, and at the sole discretion of the platform’s owner. That isn’t to say that marketers can’t use AI in their social media strategy.

Indeed, there are a plethora of commercially available artificial intelligence social media monitoring and marketing tools for a variety of applications. Here are some of the best ways for social media marketers to get started with AI, machine learning, and intelligent automation.

Social Creation and Management

Marketers devote a significant amount of work to developing social media content, as well as managing distribution and interaction across channels.

This is made easier by using a standard social media management platform that streamlines social media scheduling and monitoring.

However, AI tools go a step further. There are tools that can automatically generate social media material across networks, including hashtags and shortened links. There are other methods for scheduling these shares in bulk. In general, today’s AI systems can create and maintain some forms of social media in a couple of minutes. 

Social media intelligence and social media listening are two different things. An AI-powered social monitoring tool or social listening service can analyze your brand’s social media profiles and audience. This typically requires using artificial intelligence to analyze vast amounts of social data, comprehend what’s being said in them, and derive insights from the data. When the data is used correctly, AI social media monitoring systems can:

  • Assist you in keeping track of your global brand mentions
  • Discover the latest consumer trends.
  • Keep an eye on your brand’s reputation and look for new audiences to reach.
  • Keep an eye on every reference on social media.
  • Identify promising new social media promotion avenues.

These actionable insights are supplied in near real-time, offering brands a competitive advantage.

Using Social Media to Advertise

Almost every social media platform allows advertisers to target users with sponsored ads based on very specific demographic and behavioral criteria. Marketers, on the other hand, still have to write or create ad copy…or do they? Artificial intelligence solutions are now available that will compose your Facebook and Instagram adverts for you. The advertising is then optimized for conversations and clicks. Thanks to AI’s ability to determine which language will increase outcomes at scale.

Identify the Appropriate Influencer

Finding the proper influencer can help a company get noticed. But how do you do it so quickly? AI may be able to assist. Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered influencer research tools examine a range of social media statistics to determine which accounts can deliver the most engagement, reach, and influence for a certain market.

How to get started when using AI in Social Media?

If you’re in the business of social media marketing, AI is a must-have. To get started, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist. All you need to do now is figure out what AI can accomplish for you.

Take our free 30-minute course, Intro to AI for Marketers, for the simplest and quickest approach to do so. Paul Roetzer, the creator and CEO of the Marketing AI Institute, explains to you how to get started with AI in marketing, including social media. In just 30 minutes, you’ll go from beginner to expert, having a firm grasp on:

  • What is artificial intelligence (AI) and why does it important to marketers?
  • How to spot AI applications.
  • How to locate and assess AI technology providers.
  • How do you categorize AI applications into the five levels?
  • What business results might AI assist you with?
  • How to assess the impact of AI tools on the productivity and performance of your business.
  • How to make your team ready for AI piloting and scalability.

Because the free lesson is taking place in real-time, capacity is limited. To secure a seat for the next session, click the button below.

What Role does AI play in Social Media Platforms?

Social media has grown ingrained in our daily lives, and AI implementation has the potential to improve user engagement and communication. We’ve recently seen widespread digital revolutions and the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies to increase business growth and consumer happiness. Artificial intelligence has the potential to change the way brands market on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

It can automate a number of time-consuming operations associated with social media administration, as well as perform large-scale social media monitoring. Social media marketers can use AI to get closer to their audience and learn about their preferences. This allows them to better target their advertisements as well as develop content. We look at how social media networks are utilizing AI for their own profit and to better serve their clients.


FAIR stands for Facebook Artificial Cognitive Researchers, and they’ve been working on analyzing and developing AI systems with human intelligence levels. Facebook uses Deep Text, an AI tool, to track comments, posts, and other data generated on the site in order to learn how people use various languages, slang, acronyms, and exclamation marks.

In order to overcome communication barriers, the Applied Machine Learning team created an AI-based automatic translation system that allows consumers to see translated content in their News Feed. Facebook also employs AI in the form of facial recognition, which can suggest people to tag in images. Chatbots have also been introduced by Facebook.


Twitter uses AI in a variety of ways on its site, including determining what tweets to recommend on users’ timelines. Its purpose is to deliver the most relevant tweets to customers for a more personalized experience. Artificial intelligence is also used by Twitter to fight offensive statements.

The company has begun levying fines in the United Kingdom and Germany to tackle hate speech, fake news, and illicit content on the site. Twitter is using IBM Watson and natural language processing to track and eliminate offensive posts (NLP).

Watson can analyze millions of indecent and improper texts in seconds because it makes interference with the tones of the messages and the meanings of distinct pictures.


Snapchat uses machine learning models and augmented reality technology to superimpose visual animation on video. And Snapchat’s AI engineers are having the training to get deep learning models to intercept hand motions.

Other augmented reality features can be built using these hand gesture models. The goal of adding AI to the platform is to better serve its user base and make these technologies more accessible to them.


Instagram made an appearance in 2010 as a social networking program for sharing photographs and videos. It is owned by Facebook and has a monthly active user base of almost 1 billion people.

Big data with artificial intelligence were once employed to improve the user experience, filter spam, and increase the results of targeted advertising on the platform. Users can use tags and trending information on the platform to find photographs of a given activity, place, event, restaurant, food, and discovery experiences.

To prevent hate speech and cyberbullying, Instagram, like most social media platforms, employs artificial intelligence. Deep Text is utilized to find and delete these messages and posts from the site.

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